Multiple Companies
Multiple Users 1 (Requires the purchase of additional licenses)
Online Application 2
OS ³: Client- Win 7 (32/ 64 bit) & Win 8 (32/ 64 bit) , Win 8.1 & Win 10 , Server- Windows 2008, & 2012 / 2012 R22

What’s new in 2019

New! Invoice Status Tracker Get real-time visibility of invoice statuses to expedite collections and stay on top of your cash flow.
New! Transfer Credits Transfer customer credits across jobs, quickly and easily.
New! Check to Bill Pay Easily keep track of what you owe suppliers, from check to bill pay.
New! Inactive Item and Industry Reports
A filter to include/exclude inactive inventory in reports is now available for you to have an up-to-date assessment of inventory.
New! Easy Upgrade
Save a lot of time and effort by upgrading to the latest version with just a few clicks!
New! IIF Imports With the enhanced IIF import, you are sure your imported data is accurate.

Easily get started

“Welcome to QuickBooks!” for first time users – featuring general tips & to-do’s.
Quickly get started with common tasks using the Quick Start Centre
Easy Step® interview to get you up & running quicker when creating a new company
Help and Live Community
Quick navigation using the Shortcut bar, Icon bar and Menu bar
QuickBooks Coach and Video Tutorials
Create a new company file by copying preferences and lists from existing company file
Chart of Accounts customised for your industry

Organize and complete everyday tasks

New: Multi-monitor Support 4
New: Past due date stamp in invoices
New: Search in Chart of accountants
New: Cash-accrual toggle on reports
Search Types – Customer Type and Vendor Type
Search as you type
Improved Multi user mode – switch to single user mode easily. See who is logged in and give them time to save work1.
Easier Amount search
Show Applied Filters on Reports – quickly view all applied filters on a report
Deleted users on Reports – Now you can see users that you have deleted on all reports by username, no longer seeing “unknown” as the user
Scheduled Reports – QuickBooks now allows you to set up a schedule to automatically email memorized reports
Bill Tracker – Simplify Supplier expense tracking by visualizing flow of Supplier-related transactions
Batch Delete Transactions – Invoices / Cheques / Bills 7
Insights on Homepage – track your business health
Bulk Remove – Send Forms & print Queue 7
Customer Lead Centre – Track leads and convert easily to a customer
Quickly locate an account, report, or invoice with QuickBooks F3 Search
Stay on top of your receivables with the ‘Income Tracker’
Add or edit multiple lists by copying from MS Excel in spreadsheet view 4
Setup multiple email templates.
Email customer payment receipts
Email memorized report groups in batch
See all your customer information at a glance with the Customer Snapshot
Payment Snapshot: one place to view payment flows
Create an invoice for multiple customers in single window with batch invoicing
Easily manage reports with new Report Centre
Run reports and back up data while others work in the same company file
Duplicate sales and purchase transactions and list items
Progress invoicing and automatic recharge of expenses
Integrate QuickBooks data with other applications
Customisable reports and graphs100+ Reports135+ Reports135+ Reports
Alerts Menu. Stay on top of important tasks
Short Term Cash Flow Projections
Create a Budget
Company Snapshot shows key performance indicators for your business
Set billing rates by employee, customer/client, position or service

Efficiently manage stock

Track Stock, set reorder points & create Purchase Orders
Stock Centre
Attach documents pertaining to stock using the Doc centre.
Create sales orders
Manage back orders using the Sales Order fullfilment worksheet (not available if multi-currency enabled)
Generate Sales Orders from Estimates
Generate Purchase Orders from Estimates
Generate Purchase Orders from Sales orders
Easily set prices and determine discounts by customer or job (fixed %)
Easily set prices and determine discounts by customer or job (per item)
Build and Track Inventory Assemblies to Finished Goods
Units of Measure – buy, sell stock in different units
Set maximum order levels in addition to the existing minimum reorder levels.
Store Manufacturers Part Numbers on Items

Trade in multiple currencies

Download currency exchange rates
Support for over 140 currencies
Exchange rate history calendar
Create Summary Reports in Home and Foreign values
Set multiple foreign sales prices for items
Credit memo exhange rates automatically change to match Invoice exchange rates
Invoice templates show home and foreign currency totals

VAT Management

South Africa VAT201
Report VAT liability on a Cash (payment) basis
Report VAT liability on a Accrual (invoice) basis
VAT Centre for easy access to common VAT tasks
VAT Setup Wizard to change / add new VAT rates
Access prior VAT returns once a period has been filed offline. (Online filing avail only in UK)

Accountant specific tools

Audit Trail
Create Accountant Copy Changes (.QBY)
QuickBooks File Manager – managing multiple data files
Accountant Centre
Entering Cheques in a batch
Password Protected Closing Date
Auto Reverse of Journal entries
One Click Journal History
Adjusted TB, Adjusting Journal Entries Report
Financial Statement designer
Toggle between different editions of QuickBooks (Pro and Premier 2017)

Optimised for multiple users and locations

Track your Balance Sheet by Class
Open two different company files simultaneously on same machine
Set basic permissions levels to control user access
Multiple User Access (Purchase of additional licenses is required) 1Up to 5 users 1Up to 5 users 1Up to 30 users 1
Multiuser tools (backup and file locking)
QuickBooks Instant Messenger

Foot notes:

  1. Requires the purchase of additional licenses. Pro/Premier 5 concurrent users, Accountant 30 concurrent users.
  2. QuickBooks UK Desktop is not an online application. It can however be accessed on Cloud using Windows Remote Desktop Protocals (Terminal Services)
  3. QuickBooks UK Desktop is Windows based – cannot be directly installed on Mac or iPad. For Terminal Server purposes we reccomend Windows Server 2003 Standard (SP2), Windows Server 2008/ 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012/ 2012 R2 therefore making it ‘Cloud friendly’.
  4. Microsoft Office Compatibility: Email requires MS Office Outlook 2007, 2010 or 2013 (Click-to-Run not supported). Letter Writing requires MS Word 2007, 2010 and 2013. Excel integration requires MS Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013. Outlook synchronization requires QuickBooks Contact Sync for Outlook ( – requires MS Outlook 2007 & 2010 (2013 not supported). QuickBooks Statement Writer requires MS Excel 2007 and 2010 (2013 not supported).
  5. The ‘Send file to Accountant’ facility, assumes user already has a service such as dropbox in place and setup. It places accountants copy or Portable Company File in the specific folder configured for services such as dropbox.
  6. Third party applictions that are compatible with the UK versions of QuickBooks
  7. Future product releases (updates)